Les Misérables-2 Book Set

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Yazar: Victor Hugo
Ebat: 14 x 21
İlk Baskı Yılı: 2019
Baskı Sayısı: 1. Basım
Yayınevi: Ötüken Neşriyat Yayınları
ISBN: 9786051557908
Subtotal: $31.16
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Les Misérables-2 Book Set

Les Misérables-2 Book Set

$38.95 $31.16

Les Misérables-2 Book Set

$38.95 $31.16

Les Misérables-2 Book Set Book Description: Les Misérables consists of five books, each the size of a novel; The novel has everything. The basis of the novel is Jean Valjean's life, and the love between Marius and Cosette adorns this life. Most of the story is based on real events. Les Misérables is a novel with a thesis; an attack on injustice. Hugo criticizes a barbaric legal and penal system that condemns people to hard labor for minor crimes, focuses on punishing rather than reforming the criminal, does not focus on mitigating factors, and does not allow release under probation. He blames the society that creates and endures these situations. Hugo's words about the Empire, the Bourbon restoration and the July Dynasty, which have a very important place in the history of France, are worth reading and instructive. In fact, Marius's political thoughts go through the same phases as Hugo's; first royalist, then Bonapartist and finally republican. Having been in the French National Assembly, Hugo tells us what he knows about practical politics. However, he is enthusiastic and excited about the mysticism of the political movement that turns the population into fanatical supporters of the empire or sends them to the barricades to die. Les Misérables is, above all, a moral and religious treatise on holiness, which is perhaps one of the most difficult theses for a novelist. Bishop Myriel is a saintly man, and his moral influence over Valjean plays a decisive role in his becoming a good person. As for Valjean; a model of generosity and selfless love. Thus, he influences others and prepares the way for them to enter the right path. The moral lesson explained in this way is derived from religious patterns; Even an extremely bad person can be put on the right path by being forgiven and treated with love. In addition to these social, political and moral theses, Hugo also presents an enormous amount of various information and interpretations that have no organic connection with the story. Thus, we read almost independent articles about the history of slang, life in nunneries, the sewers of Paris and the battle of Waterloo. Some of these are dazzling. What happened at Waterloo is described in a masterpiece. Finally, we should also mention Hugo's notes about the old neighborhoods of Paris. While he was writing these, these neighborhoods were being demolished and new and wide roads were being built. These writings of Hugo reflect his deep nostalgia for the streets and buildings that are rapidly disappearing. Few writers had such deep feelings to see the city as a living organism with the processes of life, metabolism and death. Les Misérables is, without a doubt, a masterpiece. Even if we accept its widespread, digressive structure as a flaw, the plot of the novel is based on melodrama and coincidences to a degree that a modern taste cannot easily accept; The style is ostentatious, based on anti-theses put forward without much thought, the tone is ostentatious, pretentious and exaggerated. Despite everything, Valjean and his bishop achieved literary immortality that those who read Les Misérables cannot forget them. * The book, published in 1970 by Ötüken, was prepared for publication by translating the text published in Ottoman Turkish by Avan-zade M. Süleyman in 1907 into new letters and adapting it to modern Turkish by Erol Kılınç. It is a complete text. The pictures inside were selected from the original prints as they were suitable for printing. Ötüken presented the work to the reader in high quality, both stylistically and technically, in thread-stitched volumes. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, written by Victor Hugo, by Ötüken Neşriyat Publications, is now in Dünyada Kitap.
9786051557908Victor HugoÖtüken Neşriyat Publications14 x 21 1. Basım
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