Martyrdom and Our Martyrs | Bilgeoğuz Publications

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Martyrdom and Our Martyrs Book Description: We do not call those killed in the way of Allah dead. On the contrary, they are alive. But you cannot understand." (Baqara: 154) We sit comfortably in our homes, our biggest troubles are so light and trouble-free that they do not drag on until tomorrow... While we are caught up in the chaos of the world, we do not even think about the need to question the past... We live freely and comfortably in our country. We live peacefully... But how does this happen? A country that is surrounded by enemies like a herd of hyenas, that has been tried to be invaded in every period of history, but has torn away the shackles that were attached to its feet each time, of course, this upright stance, its independence, has come out of its heart and buried itself in the ground for itself. He owes it to his fallen children... Not only the land of the homeland, but everyone living on that land owes it to our martyrs in return for sleeping comfortably in their beds and being able to walk around the streets freely... Enes Arslantürk aims to pay this debt of gratitude to some extent in his work titled "Martyrdom and Our Martyrs". From the Martyrs of Çanakkale to the heroes of the War of Independence, to the saplings of the Idealist Movement that fell to the ground at a young age, this work, which is like a chronological documentary, is a work that you will read with emotion... Thin Cover: Number of Pages: 120Print Year: 2009 Pocket Size: Number of Pages: 170Print Year: 2009e-Book:Number of Pages:78Print Year:2009Language:TurkishPublisher:Bilgeoğuz Publications"

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