Civil Disobedience | Say Publications

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Civil Disobedience Book Description: Dissatisfied with the shocking changes caused by the rapid development of capitalism in America, Henry David Thoreau left the city he lived in in 1845 and settled on a lakeshore. Here he writes down his feelings and thoughts about his inner world, daily life and natural environment. He does not forget to touch upon social issues from time to time. Civil Disobedience, one of these writings, is one of Thoreau's most studied texts to date. In this text, the author expresses his thoughts against slavery and war and discusses what the ideal state should be like. The words "The best state is the state that does not govern at all" used in the first lines of the text are remembered. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 88Print Year: 2016 Language: Turkish Publishing House: Say Yayınları"

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