Spinoza: A Statement of Truth

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Spinoza: A Statement of Truth Book Description: The name Spinoza has been heard more and more frequently in recent years, both in academic circles and among general readers interested in philosophy. Moreover, this interest is not specific to a certain geography; The increase in the number of writings on Spinoza is remarkable in Europe as well as on the other side of the ocean, in Latin America as well as in the Far East. In a sense, we seem to beg forgiveness for the preconceived indifference towards this unique philosopher, both during his lifetime and for a long time after his death. Spinoza's philosophy has some features that may make many readers uneasy at first encounter; Since the language of the original works contains either geometrical abstraction or a metaphysical distance, Spinoza is not the philosopher of fluent works that can often be read and understood at the first try. However, when read with a little help and reasonable attention, this great system will open itself freely and will succeed in establishing a strong bond with the reader. The main purpose of Spinoza: A Statement of Truth is to provide this little help. “We are faced with a very intensively studied book that expresses Spinoza, a formidable philosopher of the history of philosophy, in a very clear Turkish, within a very wide horizon. "This work, which explains Spinoza in such a comprehensive manner, will be an important companion in the philosophical journeys of our country's philosophy lovers." - Ahmet İnam - (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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