Status Anxiety

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Status Anxiety brings to the surface a fear that gnaws at us all but that we can rarely express: the fear of what others think of us and the feeling that our failure will be judged harshly by society. In other words, it mirrors a universal anxiety: status anxiety.

Alain de Botton , again with elegance and subtlety, explains where our status anxiety comes from and what we can do to overcome it. With the help of philosophers, artists, and writers, he examines the historical story of status anxiety and the movements that have tried to overcome this anxiety throughout history. It presents the reader with a parade of barefoot philosophers, topless bohemians, comedians, poets and painters who shield themselves against the harsh judgments of society and try to achieve happiness in this way.

Conclusion: This book not only entertains but also provokes our thoughts. With the help of philosophy, it helps us get rid of our social anxieties and lightens our hearts.

Those who read the book will perhaps be free from the status anxiety that has been eating away at their souls for years.

This work, published by Sel Publishing and written by Alain de Botton, is now on Books in the World.

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