Sultan 2. Kılıçarslan and Aksaray | IQ Culture and Art Publishing

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Sultan Kılıçarslan II and Aksaray Book Description: They were not just sultans who made conquests, conquered countries and waged wars. In addition to these qualities, they were saints who won hearts, architects who built cities, and teachers who enabled the training of scholars.II. You will witness this striking observation while reading the work titled Kılıç Arslan and Aksaray. The great mujahid II. You will see how Kılıç Arslan turned Aksaray into a center of science and wisdom in addition to his ghazals. So much so that you will read about the adventure of how Christians turned an important place of visit on the route to Jerusalem into a place where Muslims do not go on the pilgrimage without visiting in a short time: Darü'z-zafer, Darü'l-cihad, Darü's-süleha and Aksaray. It is the only city in Anatolia adorned with such beautiful nicknames. Aksaray and Sultan II who made it this way. Kılıç Arslan's history by Prof. Dr. You will find Ahmet Şimşirgil's fluent style in this work. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 252 Print Year: 2016 Language: Turkish Publishing House: IQ Culture and Arts Publishing

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