Sultan Ahmet District | Reader's Library

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Sultan Ahmet District Book Description: Istanbul is of great importance for many civilizations and societies. That's why Istanbul's past has remained interesting as a research subject in every period of history. In particular, all kinds of ruins of old Istanbul that have survived to the present day and are still before our eyes are of a unique nature with many remarkable details and expressions. The work of Mehmed Râif Bey that we present to the reader provides information about the archaeological, historical and architectural works in and around Sultan Ahmed Square, one of the most important places in Istanbul. Mehmed Râif Bey is one of the first well-known local researchers who grew up in the last period of the Ottoman Empire and attracted attention with his knowledge and studies about the past of Istanbul. Number of Pages: 80 Year of Printing: 2010 Language: Turkish Publishing House: Reader's Library

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