Tevfik Fikret - All His Poems from the Past - Classics of Turkish Literature 74 | İşbank Culture Publications

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Tevfik Fikret - All His Poems from the Past - Classics of Turkish Literature 74 Book Description: The first volume of all the poems of Tevfik Fikret, compiled in three volumes and translated into today's Turkish by Asım Bezirci, meets its readers again in its revised form after a long time. “Fikret is a genius of ours who has fulfilled his true role by modernizing and humanizing our literature.” Ziya Gökalp, Teacher, 1917 “By saying that Fikret was a petty bourgeois intellectual, we do not deny the tremendous services he made to the country and the dizzying progress he reached in art. It was not possible for it to be otherwise in the environment in which the great and essentially 'humanitarian' poet Tevfik Fikret was active. Fikret was whatever was possible to be the best and most advanced in the time he lived in, in the environment he lived in..." Nâzım Hikmet, Illustrated Month, 1930 "I met Tevfik Fikret for the first time in the summer of 1912, through the guidance of my friend Şefik Esad. I have been familiar with his poetry for ten years. He had the greatest impact on my soul, morals, taste, language and art, as he did on all the children of my generation...” Yahya Kemal, Political and Literary Portraits, 1963 Tevfik Fikret (1867-1915) Literature-ı Cedide (Servet-i Fünun) ) community, poet, writer, painter. Tevfik Fikret graduated from Mekteb-i Sultani (Galatasaray High School) with the first place. Here, Fikret took lessons from very valuable teachers such as Muallim Naci, Recaizade Ekrem and Muallim Feyzi, and his first poems were published in Tercüman-ı Hakikat and Mirsad. He was among those who published the Malumat magazine (1894) and the Tanin newspaper (1908). With his appointment as head of Servet-i Fünun (1896-1901), the magazine quickly became the meeting point of young people who wanted innovation in literature and the publication organ of the Kitap-ı Cedide community. Fikret, who wrote his first poems in the style of Divan literature, wrote poems that highlighted the individual with the understanding of "art for art's sake" during this period and published Rübâb-ı Şikeste, which was met with great interest. He designed the house in Rumelihisarı - which is now a museum - and had it built, which he named "Aşiyan". He retreated into a sort of seclusion here due to both the oppressive environment of the despotism period and his melancholic mood. Fikret, who worked as a Turkish teacher and principal at Galatasaray for a while, continued his teaching job at Robert College next to this house until the end of his life. We will continue to include the works of Tevfik Fikret, who played a major role in establishing the Western understanding of art in our literature and left permanent traces with his intellectual personality, in our Turkish Literature Classics Series. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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