Ulu Khan Ata Bitık - The Oldest Epic of the Turks

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Ulu Khan Ata Bitık - The Oldest Epic of the Turks Book Description: Ulu Khan Ata Bitık, also known as the Book of Ulu Khan Ata, is the story of the first father of the Turks, Ulu Ay Ata, the first person of the Turkish race, and the first Turkish woman and mother, Ulu Ay Ana. It explains its creation. In particular, the information about the origin of Turkishness and the beginning of Turks living in the world has features that can attract everyone's attention and is unique. In the work; Information is given on many subjects related to Turkish history, culture and geography, such as Turks, Oğuz Kağan, Dede Korkut, Ulu Kara Dağ, Ulu Ay Ata, Ulu Ay Ana, Altın Han, Gümüş Han, Turkish Oath, Child Arslan Story. In addition to all these, the fact that each of the place names and personal names in the Arabic text are archaic Turkish elements further increases the value of the information given in the work. Prof. Dr. The work prepared for publication by Necati Demir consists of three parts. In the first part, information is given about the geography in which the work was written and the history of the period. In the second part, an attempt was made to introduce Seyfüddin Ebubekir bin Abdillah bin Aybek ed-Devâdârî, whose author was a Mamluk Turk and who translated the work from Persian to Arabic, and his work Dürerü't-Ticân and Gureru Tevârihi'z-Zaman, from which Ulu Khan Ata Bitık was taken. In the third part, the text of Ulu Khan Ata Bitigi is given. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 152Print Year: 2016Language: TurkishPublisher: Ötüken Neşriyat

This work, published by Ötüken Neşriyat and written by Zafer Yılmaz, is now in Dünyada Kitap.

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