National Problem Internationalism and Globalization | Literature Publications

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National Problem Internationalism and Globalization Book Description: Although socialist internationalism is opposed to nationalist ideology, this in no way means that it rejects the historical and cultural traditions of nations. Just as the internationalist movements of every country must speak their national language, the language of national history and culture must be spoken, especially this culture. If it is an oppressed culture. As Lenin recognized, every national culture and history has democratic progressive revolutionary aspects that must be assimilated into the socialist culture of the working class, and reactionary chauvinist and dark aspects that must be fought irreconcilably. The task of internationalists is to integrate the cultural and historical heritage of the world socialist movement with the radical and destructive dimension of the culture and traditions of their own people, which is often distorted or hidden by bourgeois ideology and covered up by the official culture of the ruling classes. Just as Marxists take into account the national specificities of social formations in revolutionary struggles, they also have to integrate their own history and culture with their national specificities in ideological struggles. (From the Promotional Bulletin) Number of Pages: 160 Print Year: 2005 Language: Turkish Publishing House: Yazın Yayınları

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