Judas Iscariot - Modern Classics

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Judas Iscariot - Modern Classics Book Description The "hero" of this novella written by Andreyev in 1907 is Judas Iscariot, whose name is identified with betrayal. The author brought people and situations into his work rather than the ideas in the Bible. Depicted in the text as a freak, Judas' chaotic image reflects his complex thought processes and psyche. Andreyev focuses on the psychology of the traitor who oscillates between evil and good and the real reasons for the betrayal. In this focus, the author's thoughts on the human condition can be traced. The conflict between reason and faith was a familiar theme at the time the work was written. Judas is after rational reality. Because of the bad experiences he has had, his thoughts about humanity are extremely skeptical and pessimistic. From the beginning, he always doubts his disciples' love for Jesus and attempts to test this love. However, Andreyev's manipulative, sneaky, liar and thief Judas loves Jesus madly. His only concern is to attract her attention and win her love. According to him, his betrayal confirms both the evil of man and that only he loves Jesus. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

This work, published by İş Bankası Cultural Publications and written by Leonid Andreyev, is now on Books in the World.

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