Confessions of the Century - Türkiye and Turkish Identity | Bilgeoğuz Publications

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Confessions of the Century - Turkey and Turkish Identity Book Description: In this book, we discuss the book called Confessions of the Century, written by the American Jewish billionaire David Rockefeller, and tell and interpret from his own words what David and his gang did in the world and in Turkey. water resources are in Turkey. In this respect, Türkiye is a very important country for us. This water is the life source of Greater Israel. We can never give up on this. Turkey is the country with the highest concentration of boron in the world, which will replace oil in the near future. We cannot leave this wealth to the Turks.” “Ten thousand Turkish youth killed each other without mercy for the sake of the ideologies we made up.” “We recommended Turgut Özal to the coup plotters. The coup plotters did what was necessary and allowed Özal to become prime minister.” “We started the First World War to teach the empires a lesson.” “We provoked the Japanese to test the atomic bomb on them and enabled them to carry out the Pearl Harbor raid. We sacrificed about a hundred American soldiers and several ships. We encouraged the United States to avenge this oppression. Thus, the atomic bomb was tested by creating terror on the Japanese without harming the European white people. With this book, where you will find out what European Jewish billionaire Rothschild and American Jewish billionaire Rockefeller think about Turkey and the Turkish Nation, what they plan for Turkey, you will expand your horizons and see the true face of the European Union and the United States. With the help of European centralist histories, you will see and understand with the documents how big lies they told, what slanders they made, and what the truth was. The lies told about Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and their truths, and how the lies told and spread about our nation, state and heroes in our recent history were presented as the truth. , you will determine what the facts are. You will see how the Hasan Tahsin incident, the Van Akdamar Church, the Russian aid in the War of Independence and the truth of the tale of humanism are covered with lies. Our aim in this book is to warn our nation, to have our national identity in order to live honorably, with a high level of prosperity, independent, free and happy within the Republic of Turkey. It is to invite people to come out and protect and preserve our national and spiritual values. (From the Promotional Bulletin)

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